Smashing Logo Review: Is It Really Good In 2024?

Smashing Logo Review: Is It Really Good In 2024?

Are you in search of a quick and easy way to design a logo? Smashing Logo positions itself as a DIY logo maker tailored for simplicity. Whether you're a design novice or a pro, this tool promises to deliver a great-looking logo in under an hour. However, does it stand out among the multitude of online logo generators?

Smashing Logo Review

Smashing Logo Review

Get Started With Smashing Logo

While the Smashing Logo offers an extensive library of fonts and icons, it faces tough competition from other online tools that excel in advanced customization. Many graphic designers, even when working with templates, have the flexibility to fine-tune elements to match their vision. Unfortunately, Smashing Logo lacks this feature, and its pricey packages may not justify the investment.

If speed is your priority, and a slightly generic logo suits your needs, the Smashing logo might suffice. However, for more unique and tailored designs, consider hiring a professional through platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.

Smashing Logo Features

Let's delve deeper into the features, ease of use, and overall performance of Smashing Logo.

Creating A Decent Logo

As a logo generator, the Smashing logo holds its ground, offering an impressive library of fonts and icons. The ability to mix and match elements allows for some customization, making it more versatile than basic logo generators. However, for truly unique and customizable designs, a professional designer may be a better choice.

Massive Library and Decent Customization

Smashing logo boasts a diverse range of fonts and icons, allowing users to experiment with colors and create combinations that align with their brand identity. While most assets are of high quality, the Lite plan may have limitations. Unfortunately, there's a lack of drag-and-drop customization for additional elements and effects.

Various Formats and Post-Purchase Editing

All packages include web-ready files, with more expensive options providing print-ready and social media files. The Business package offers the flexibility to change logo details without extra charges, acknowledging the evolving nature of branding.

Share Your Logo Before Purchasing

A unique feature of Smashing logo is the ability to create multiple logos, share them via a generated link, and gather feedback. This collaborative approach can streamline the decision-making process.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Smashing logo provides a satisfaction guarantee, allowing users to replace a purchased logo within 30 days if they change their minds. However, designs are non-refundable.

Discover More Smashing Logo Features

How It Works

Smashing Logo simplifies the logo creation process with a user-friendly interface. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how the platform typically operates:

  • Choose Design Style: The platform presents users with various design styles or categories to choose from, helping align the logo with the user's brand vision.
  • Enter Company Information: Users input their company name and any other relevant information required for logo generation.
  • Customization: Smashing Logo allows for customization, enabling users to choose colors, fonts, symbols, and other design elements to tailor the logo to their preferences.
  • Preview and Edit: Users can preview their logo in different contexts, such as business cards or websites. The platform often allows for editing and revisions to refine the design.
  • Download: Once satisfied with the design, users can download the logo files in various formats, making it ready for use across different mediums.

My Experience With Smashing Logo

I recently used the Smashing logo to create a logo for my brand, and I have to say, it was a pretty smooth experience. All I had to do was choose a name, industry, and design style, and the Smashing logo generated multiple designs for me to choose from. I was able to test out different styles at the same time, which made the process much faster and more efficient. While I didn't notice a huge difference in the designs based on my brand attributes, the interface was easy to use and I was able to create a logo that looked pretty good.


Smashing Logo comes with its share of advantages, making it an attractive option for certain users:

  • Affordability: The platform is generally more cost-effective than hiring a professional designer, making it accessible for small businesses and startups.
  • Speed: Smashing Logo offers a quick turnaround time, allowing users to create a logo swiftly.
  • Control: Users have control over the design process, making it a DIY-friendly platform.


While Smashing Logo has its merits, users should be aware of the potential drawbacks:

  • Lack of Uniqueness: Templates might result in generic or similar-looking logos, potentially diminishing the uniqueness of a brand.
  • Limited Customization: Some users may find the platform limiting in terms of fine-tuning designs, especially for those seeking highly customized and unique logos.
  • Expertise Gap: Compared to professional designers, online tools may lack the same level of creativity and expertise, potentially resulting in less distinctive designs.


Smashing logo presents itself as a user-friendly logo generator with a substantial library of assets. While it excels in simplicity and offers decent customization, it faces stiff competition in a market filled with similar tools. If speed is your priority and some compromises on uniqueness are acceptable, the Smashing logo could be a viable option. However, for a logo that truly stands out and aligns with your brand identity, exploring professional design services might be a more rewarding route.

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